Sunday, February 26, 2006

Why Fruit Robots?

For the longest time, I didn't really want a virtual space or fancy website for the 3 different nights. I like the fact that the random parties are known through word-of-mouth and last minute emails. Plus, I hate thinking of names. I can't get "popmycherry" as domain name because it's porn and all porn urls cost much $$$. I thought of "playwithme" as an alternative and google it to find some dude in california sitting on it and refusing to budge. Fking cunt.

So here it is. Fruit Robots. There's no special unique formula behind it. It's just about putting hands and legs on fruits and making them dance here and there in dark little spaces. A friend mentioned that it is similar to DevilRobots, maybe I can make a series of shadow toys who will inflict big big pain on those shiny little devil robots and kill them off cyberspace.

Anyway, this space will probably take ages to come into shape because I'm bad with codes and I do not know my photoshop very well. I will try to put some music mixes, photos of very drunk ladies, pretty flyers made by friends and do the occasional ramblings of events.

Fruit robots usually attend these parties.
1) PopMyCherry!
Where The Girls Come out & Play

2) Musique Vondue
The Only Experimental Night In Singapore

3) DYI
Trashy.Raw.1-Off venues.Drum&Bass.


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